Return to In-Person Meetings

Online or In-Person we will continue to provide a healthy, safe, and professional networking environment.
BNI is dedicated to being the "Gold Standard" in safety and care for all involved. We understand each individual business leader in our network has unique circumstances. In response, a thoughtful process to guide BNI Chapters was developed to ensure your BNI Chapter is successful. This process will help you determine if your referral networking group wants to continue with BNI Online or transition to In-Person Meetings. We look forward to supporting your BNI Chapter through this process step-by-step. We are committed to supporting all BNI Members. Our mission: No Member Left Behind!


Chapter Leadership Application:
Return to In-Person or Hybrid Meetings
Chapter Member Readiness Survey:
Now or Later?
Acknowledgement & Acceptance of Risk Waiver:
BNI Members
Acknowledgement & Acceptance of Risk Waiver: 
Return to In-Person Resource:
Sign Set for All BNI Chapters
In-Person Meeting Feedback:
BNI Members + Visitors



Questions? Please Don't Hesitate to Reach Out!
Robin Schuckmann, BNI Executive Director

The Latest From BNI

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